About us

We are Taylor and Elisa Strickland.  We have been married about 11 years and have two wonderful children; a 11 year old son and a 8 year old daughter.  Jesus saved me in late 2012 while driving home from a bar around 2AM!  Jesus got hold of my wife's attention shortly there after and we have been on a crazy journey ever since.  We are both high school teachers in our hometown of Nashville, GA and we see our jobs as a calling to positively impact the lives of young people for Jesus.  I have always loved working with music and media, and after several years of doing youth Bible studies together, God pressed on my heart for Elisa and I to start a podcast where we teach the Bible as a couple.  Now, 2R1 Ministires has began to add additional resources as we are led by the Spirit.

Our belief

We believe that Jesus is the King of the Universe and wants to have a personal relationship with everyone.  We believe that no one is beyond the grace of God and that Jesus can save anyone, anywhere, and at anytime.  We believe in the simple gospel.  We believe that God opens the eyes, ears, and hearts of people through the hearing of  His word, and He doesn't need fancy human ideas and programs to do it.  We believe in the biblical definition of marriage, and that marriages only work right when Jesus is at the center.  We believe that Jesus is coming back soon.
"This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh." CJB
Genesis 2:24
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